martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010
jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

For people the Flow is a positive mental state and is completely focus on motivation that people feel when they do something that they love. For long ago to be happy has been a very important concept for humans for example gets married, buy a house, have children. Many people have different concepts of Happiness. An excellent example of this is the people who is soloist or when they play an instrument.
Soloist or musicians in general feel a great inspiration when they sing, compose a song or play their instruments, and they considered important because is their talent and a way to express what they feel at the moment and they transmit the positive energies to the other people. Nowadays we have a lot of types of music styles so for the musicians feel very well when people feel identify with their music.
Generally, the people who play an instrument can feel this flow when they are playing because they feel inspired. For them music is a way of life and a free way of expression and they feel very motivated when other people feel the same that them.
In this case I agree with this concept of happiness. I can understand how the musicians feel because I sing and my boyfriend and friends had a band together, even my mom plays the guitar so I feel very close of music.
On the other hand my happiest moment of my life could be when I sing for the first time in the school or when I graduate from the school. But the most important moment in my life was when I receive a kiss from my boyfriend. I really think that that was the happiest moment in my life because I wanted a lot (jijiji).
To conclude I have to say that a lot of people inspire me positive attitude, for example my family, my friends, my boyfriend and some people around me I feel their affection and support so thanks that I try to give my best in everything.
jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010
Angels and Demons - Dan Brown

To begin with this, the book that I read was Angels and Demons another book of the famous writer Dan Brown. The story tells about an antique battle between religion and the science that we know. The writer wants to show us this fight because is a very interest piece of history and Dan Brown studied a lot about this topic to write this book and publish especially for us.
In the first place, this book introduces us in Rome, in the Vatican. Here appears again the main character the professor Robert Langdon. He is called to his hotel to investigate again a murder. In that place he discovers an interesting thing, the appearance of an antique group called “Illuminati”. This book has a lot of history and interesting topics for people. Nowadays this kind of books has a lot of success because this type of history catches the attention of the public and motivates them to investigate about.
On the other hand, this book wins a lot of critics especially with the Church and Catholic religion. Dan Brown has a lot of problems, because as in this book as in the Da Vinci Code involves directly the religion and the sacred institution. Besides, the science side includes their critics too, because the book talks about a powerful material called antimatter that is only a myth on the history of science. To finish Dan Brown has a lot of problems when he wants to publish the book in some Libraries because some of them reject it immediately.
To conclude, in my opinion this is a great book, catch your attention immediately. Furthermore the book is based on investigations and talk about real History, places, traditions, between others. The characters like Robert and Vittoria that is his investigation mate are very interesting because they have different personalities and different points of view of the things so you feel identify with some opinion or decision that one of them takes. But, I think that is important respect places and things like religion or science but I have to say about their critics that they are exaggerating.
jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010
My favorite Web Site

My favorite Web site
. How you found it
Well my favorite web site at the moment is a blog called: SoF (Sons of Fate) Project. This Blog was created by me, my boyfriend and a group of my friends. So I have to say that I don’t found it, I made it.
. What you like about it. Particular features you’d like to address.
Well this page is in construction yet. But you can found a lot of information about a story that is going to be a greatest book in the future. You can obtain information about the author of the story and the rest of the staff. At the moment SoF project is integrate for 5 persons who had different tasks in the project.
. Aspects you may not like so much
At the moment I don’t have, because the web is in construction but I like to put more information about the Staff. I think is a good idea, but is only that an idea.
- How often you visit it
I visit this page every day to put more information or read the new information if someone put something.
- Any other information you want to add.
Well, now SoF project are trying to obtain more readers, so I liked to promote this page and the Story because is really interesting. That is all.
Education Information

-The type of information you find
Well, the information is a new of MINEDUC and talks about a campaign to inform to the parents about the schools and activities that they children’s have in the establishment. The parents always say that they don’t obtain any information about the classes, teachers, between others so the ministry of education implements this program. They are going to put some places where the parents can to clear up all of their doubts, about the establishment and their education plans. So this especial program starts this 8 of October and is going to finish the 8 of November. This is a great opportunity to obtain information.
- Your opinion on a particular article you find interesting
For me is interesting and necessary because the parents have to worried about their children’s education and sometimes they want to but they can’t. So, I think that this program is a great idea to involve the parents in the education community.
MINEDUC Chile implement a campaign called: "More Information, Better Education"
- The public directed to
To students, parents and all the education community, I think, especially for the future teachers, I guess, is very important because if you know about the topic you can give your opinion.
- The layout
I took this information from the Ministry of education (MINEDUC) page. This page have a lot of information of education but I choose this one because is something necessary and was very interesting for me, especially because we are going to be teachers and we think that the parents are important too.
- Any other interesting aspects worth mentioning.
This program is not concentrate in Santiago only. The install this stands in the other regions too. So this “stands” are available to National level.
viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010
Mechai Viravaidya: How mr condom made thailand a better place

Well in my personal opinion about this topic where small groups try to make a difference in the world, I think that is great. Because in the world is too difficult to do it. Nowadays a lot of people had their own ideas and opinions and sometimes is difficult make a change in their thoughts. But is good to know that there is still people who are trying to change things for the better. For example in the video this guy tries to make conscious in Thailand, giving them condoms and pills. That is one way to change the world and specially to save lives.
In this topic I think that is important too because for example the teenagers are introducing themselves in the sexual world and sometimes they don’t have any idea about that. I think that the schools have to teach things about sexuality or even the parents have to do it to.
I think that if people want to change the world or make a difference, is possible if they believe and if they do something like the group in the video they only have to show their opinions, act and links their voices because that is the only way to do something good for the world.
On the other hand sometimes you have to have money to create a movement but that have solution, you can talk with important people and maybe they can considerer and supporting your idea or you can make something to obtain the money.
I learn that the links with people make big changes, for example the people who take care themselves with the condoms or pills they reduce the number of kids and this create opportunities like, school, a big future, between others. On the other hand the percentages of kids that suffer HIV are less than before.
jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010
Friends- Stephanie
[The original Video =)]
-When you heard it for the first time?
I cannot remember when was the first time that I heard that song but my boyfriend makes me listen it and I fell in love of the lyric and the sound.
-What struck your attention?
The think that call my attention was specially the lyric because talks about the friendship and the capacity of humans to make links with other people.
-Who it is by?
Her name is Stephanie, she was born in United States, but now she lives in Japan. She has a lot of talent because she can sing in English and in Japanese. She sings that song in Japanese but I found the translation in English too.
-What it makes you feel?
This song it makes me feel very well because I have very good friends and I love them and I think that is very special when you can make links with other people. Especially if you have things in common is important and it’s fun.
Here is the English lyric
While we wore the same smiles,
We passed through the years together.
The sceneries kept changing,
And we struggled to accept it
I throw away my useless pride.
May kindness come to this world.
I Gotta Say
Even if I show off my bravery and my strength,
I can't survive alone.
Our promise from that day,
It remains firmly in my heart, even now
New encounters come after each farewell.
I find light down a new path, and move on.
Since the day I was born,
That has been the way my life is molded
Before we realized it,
We have both found our own futures.
I Gotta Say
Even if you are far away where I can't meet you,
There's a resilient bond between us.
"May my dreams come true"
I am praying from the bottom of my heart.
We're friends forever.
We pledged to meet again someday,
Crossed our little fingers,
And set out that day,
For unseen destinations,
And though we may be lost,
We are making progress,
Through the changing seasons,
And this fleeting moment,
I listen to these nostalgic melodies.
Even when I become an adult,
Some things won't fade,
Like our precious memories
I Gotta Say
Even if I show off my bravery and my strength,
I can't survive alone.
Our promise from that day,
It remains firmly in my heart.
As life goes on...
I mustn't forget, yeah.
Don't let it go...
I remember this vast land and my friends
Mario Vargas wins novel literature prize

Mario Vargas wins novel literature prize
The Peruvian writer who has wrote more than 30 books between them some novels and plays, wins the novel prize. He is the first South American writer who had the honor of receive this incredible prize.
The writer said that he feels very very surprised, happy and moved. He told with the Spanish National Radio and when he received the notice he thought that it was a joke but no he was the winner
He was born in Arequipa, Peru in March, 1936 he has now 74 year old and some of his big works are: El pez en el agua (1993), las mil noches y una noche (2009), el sueño celta (2010), between others…
jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010
Dan Brown- The Da vinci Code

The story begins in France in the Louvre museum where Jaques Sauniere, the teacher of the “Prioriato de Sion” was killed. But that is not all because this crime hidden a dangerous secret. Jaques Sauniere had the task to protect this secret so he transmitted his granddaughter Sophie Neveu a serial of clues.
In the story Sophie get some help from a researcher symbols, Robert Langdon. This was called to his hotel in Paris for a detective called Bezu Fache, who suspected of Langdon as a possible murderer of Sauniere. This detective tries to make Langdon confess but Sophie helps him to escape from the Louvre and from Fache.
Finally when Sophie and Langdon were alone, she told him about her grandfather and the strangest clues that he left her before died. So they discover a lot of important things and finally are found an object called "Criptex". After this they were to visit to a friend of Langdon called Leigh Teabing. This man was a passioned for the past and he knows a lot about that mysterious secret.
The secret is about Jesus and Maria Magdalena and their relationship. The story said that Jesus wasn't a sacred man quite the opposite, said that he was only a man and he had had a wife and a daughter. This was the most important secret of the Prioriato de Sion. Sophie and Robert discover the existence of another group called "Opus Dei" who tries to destroy the clues of this secret. In other words they have had to find the tomb of Maria Magdalena and find to the descendant of Jesus.
To conclude, this book was based in many studies, Dan Brown made a big research about this topic and the book makes you think that all is true. In my opinion I have a lot of doubts about the religion and their stories but this topic is too big to talk about in this post so I finish this I have to recommend because is a really good and interesting book.
jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010

Well in my opinion I have to say that is true here is not as strong as it is in other Latin American countries even we don’t feel patriots and only think these days like a “one more holiday”. Besides a lot of young people don’t respect the native people.
In the first place have to say that I learn a lot of this people in the school but I don’t remember very well about their culture. But I know the essential things. In addition to this I have to say I feel terrible the treatment that actual Chileans give to the native people is very annoying.
Secondly I have to mention that I can’t put in their place, because I don’t know too much about their culture, only the basic and the antique things like their games, their rituals or their organizations, only things that I learn in the school and now they are a bit different.
On the other hand I think that this people are Chileans too the only difference is that they are more connected with the nature than us, and that is a good thing because we are lose a lot of this connections with animals, nature and our origin. Apart from that, I feel proud to be Chilean when local people helps each other or with the campaigns where people gives money to help to the children or the old people.
On the other hand exist some facts that make me feel ashamed to be Chilean, things like the delinquency, some political decisions, the bullying on the schools, the drugs traffic and sometimes the police abuse. That is very annoying.
To conclude and taking everything in consideration we totally lost our Chilean culture because I think that people have to feel Chileans everyday not only in the national holiday or when Chile plays some important match of football or tennis. We are Chileans and we have to accept that everyday.
jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010
Los escarabajos vuelan al atardecer

This book is one of my favorite books. I had to read it in the school and I fell in love with his story. The story narrates 2 stories. One of them is about the beautiful love story of Emile and Andreas, but their story finished in tragedy for a curse of two Egyptian sculptures and the other is about 3 kids: Jonas, Annika and David who discovers a key thanks a beetle and discover the mystery about their life and tries to find these sculptures to finish this curse.
This book is very interesting because is locate in a country house in two different periods of time. One of them is located in XVIII century and the other is located in nowadays. On the other hand David is playing a game of chess with a woman called Julia Jason Andelius who is the owner of the country house and who heard the story through David, and she tries to help them telling him things of the past.
In the end of the story, the three kids discover a lot of things about Andreas and Emile, and form different opinions about the couple. David wins the game chess and discovers that Julia dies a lot of time ago and she left him the chess and a message. On the other hand they only find one of the two cursed sculptures and they found a golden beetle instead of the sculpture.
In my opinion the writer managed to catch the attention and the interest of the reader so I think that is one of the common characteristics of every writer. So, Maria Gripe obtains a victory with me. I love her literature; the way that she writes is very likely. I think that one of their goals is writing for all people not only adults, for children and teenagers too.
The main lesson of this book is that loves transcend even the death.
jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010
"Elegí Vivir"

Well I have read a beautiful book called “Elegí vivir” of Daniela Garcia. The book talks about a girl who lost her arms and her legs in a train accident. She count about how her accident was and how her recovery and her rehabilitation was. I read this book before in the school and I loved it so I looked for him in the library and I felt very excited when I found it. This is the second time that I read this book.
In my opinion this book shows a lot of important things that we have forgotten. One of the important things is “The importance of life”. I have to say that I have seen a lot of people have many worries and sadness that make them feel depressed. But the topics of that sad are things like bad relationships, money, between others. I think that these are unimportant things. People complain about these things and do nothing about it. Some of them search the solution in horrible things like suicide. Specially the teenagers.
This girl transmit to people that exist big chances on life, and they have to take them. Things like family, love and hope have the power to move mountains. People have to overcome their sadness and go ahead instead becoming depressed. Daniela for example she suffered this horrible accident, she lost a lot of things but now she try to see the good side of things. And now she is a very successful woman and try to help another people with her experience.
To conclude I have to say that i enjoyed this book and I have learned a lot with this girl. I love her personality and her strength. I think too that people have to be more like Daniela and feel good with life and with yourself.
jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010
A little about me
In the first place I think that the test catch some characteristics of my personality. But in others aspects is totally wrong. For example in my result about my mood says that I am an adventurous person and that I like to feel free to explore the landscapes around me. I think that is true because I am an observer and analytic person. I always try to analyze all the things, places or even the people around me. I like to go out and do different things especially in my spare time.
On second place for fun says that I have a very stylish and contemporary taste. That in part is truth. Because I like be in but I like the retro things too. It depends of a lot of things.
On third place in my Habits says that I like to thing differently, and that I have a good sense of humor. I think that I have too because I always try to give a smile to the people and I always try to see beyond than the limits.
Finally on fourth place about my social part says that I can’t stand vanity and that is truth because I hate that. In addition says that for me the friendship is very important and that is truth.
On the other hand the test said some things that are not true. For example in social descriptions says “You can’t live without your friends” and that is not totally truth because I wasn’t born with someone by my side. But I love my friends and I think that we need friends and we need to have confident with them.
In a general view I think that this test describe me very well and accurate a lot with some aspects of my personality. But I am not totally agreed with everything. Compared with the results of other people my answers are different.
To conclude I have to say that this test was very interesting and funny. I liked a lot and I like do another different test.
On second place for fun says that I have a very stylish and contemporary taste. That in part is truth. Because I like be in but I like the retro things too. It depends of a lot of things.
On third place in my Habits says that I like to thing differently, and that I have a good sense of humor. I think that I have too because I always try to give a smile to the people and I always try to see beyond than the limits.
Finally on fourth place about my social part says that I can’t stand vanity and that is truth because I hate that. In addition says that for me the friendship is very important and that is truth.
On the other hand the test said some things that are not true. For example in social descriptions says “You can’t live without your friends” and that is not totally truth because I wasn’t born with someone by my side. But I love my friends and I think that we need friends and we need to have confident with them.
In a general view I think that this test describe me very well and accurate a lot with some aspects of my personality. But I am not totally agreed with everything. Compared with the results of other people my answers are different.
To conclude I have to say that this test was very interesting and funny. I liked a lot and I like do another different test.
jueves, 12 de agosto de 2010
My winter Break
Well my winter break was very interesting and fun. I rest a lot and enjoyed with my friends and my boyfriend. In the first days of vacation I felt very nervous because I didn’t know my English results. But when that horrible time pass I felt very relax because I approve Language 3 and finally I could enjoy my spare time.
In the first time I dedicate my time to sleep and rest a lot. I read many books about several topics. It was very interesting. I hang out with my boyfriend. We went to some parties with our friends. We went to cinema to see Toy story 3 and we went to “Fantasilandia” too to celebrate our fifth month together.
On the second place I hang out with my best friends Yaela and Aneyssi.We went to the mall to eat delicious food. We talked about different things and we pass a funny time together. It was great.
In general my winter break was very fun I pass very well because I went out a lot. I pass time with my dear friends and the person that I love it was great. But independent of that I take advantage to study a little for this semester to get better grades and pass Language IV without worries.
In the first time I dedicate my time to sleep and rest a lot. I read many books about several topics. It was very interesting. I hang out with my boyfriend. We went to some parties with our friends. We went to cinema to see Toy story 3 and we went to “Fantasilandia” too to celebrate our fifth month together.
On the second place I hang out with my best friends Yaela and Aneyssi.We went to the mall to eat delicious food. We talked about different things and we pass a funny time together. It was great.
In general my winter break was very fun I pass very well because I went out a lot. I pass time with my dear friends and the person that I love it was great. But independent of that I take advantage to study a little for this semester to get better grades and pass Language IV without worries.
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