Well I have read a beautiful book called “Elegí vivir” of Daniela Garcia. The book talks about a girl who lost her arms and her legs in a train accident. She count about how her accident was and how her recovery and her rehabilitation was. I read this book before in the school and I loved it so I looked for him in the library and I felt very excited when I found it. This is the second time that I read this book.
In my opinion this book shows a lot of important things that we have forgotten. One of the important things is “The importance of life”. I have to say that I have seen a lot of people have many worries and sadness that make them feel depressed. But the topics of that sad are things like bad relationships, money, between others. I think that these are unimportant things. People complain about these things and do nothing about it. Some of them search the solution in horrible things like suicide. Specially the teenagers.
This girl transmit to people that exist big chances on life, and they have to take them. Things like family, love and hope have the power to move mountains. People have to overcome their sadness and go ahead instead becoming depressed. Daniela for example she suffered this horrible accident, she lost a lot of things but now she try to see the good side of things. And now she is a very successful woman and try to help another people with her experience.
To conclude I have to say that i enjoyed this book and I have learned a lot with this girl. I love her personality and her strength. I think too that people have to be more like Daniela and feel good with life and with yourself.
4 comentarios:
I love this book, too
It seems to me that we used to complain about things, and we do not think that there are people like Daniela who suffered a accident and lost an arm or a leg. They have the right to complain, however they do not do it, in this case Daniela.
I’ve never read this book, and I can see is wonderful to read. It is very important what she tries to say us, we need to value our live, and never give up. This story is excellent example for the life. During this term, I’ll experiment to read it.
this kind of experiences make me think a lot about life, and as a conclusion I think that we must to be thankful for has the opportunity to be alive and ok every day. Now we can complain, but when a real misfortune happend we just have to accept it.
I've just read this book and its great,
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