My favorite Web site
. How you found it
Well my favorite web site at the moment is a blog called: SoF (Sons of Fate) Project. This Blog was created by me, my boyfriend and a group of my friends. So I have to say that I don’t found it, I made it.
. What you like about it. Particular features you’d like to address.
Well this page is in construction yet. But you can found a lot of information about a story that is going to be a greatest book in the future. You can obtain information about the author of the story and the rest of the staff. At the moment SoF project is integrate for 5 persons who had different tasks in the project.
. Aspects you may not like so much
At the moment I don’t have, because the web is in construction but I like to put more information about the Staff. I think is a good idea, but is only that an idea.
- How often you visit it
I visit this page every day to put more information or read the new information if someone put something.
- Any other information you want to add.
Well, now SoF project are trying to obtain more readers, so I liked to promote this page and the Story because is really interesting. That is all.
3 comentarios:
How interesting!!! I used to do that as well, looooong time ago though.
We had this big group and a forum, so we played this game (ROL) and create stories of medieval times. However, now everyone is bussy and writing is a thing of the past...
I would like to read what you're doing :D
Sounds quite interesting and catchy!
Take care ;)
I think is fantastic that you had created a web page. You know how to do the internet entertaining. I hope you will be a famous writer, and when this happens you could lend me money :). When I have time I´m going to read some thing from your webpage.
It’s good idea the book. Some day I’d like to read it and to know more. Before you will be a famous, you must give me an autograph jijiji. I hope you and your group have success with the book.
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